New Jersey is not in the top 10 for the happiest states in America. For many people, a big part of their overall happiness has to do with their marriage. When a marriage faces challenges with one or both of the spouses, it can be hard to see a way forward. For those who need to discuss separation or divorce, an attorney must be consulted immediately.
Your initial consultation with a divorce lawyer helps you to answer many of your most common questions and to discuss how to move forward with filing.
If you have come to the decision that you need support from a divorce attorney, it’s recommended that you schedule your consultation now.
If you are already struggling with issues surrounding your marriage and making the decision about whether or not to stay together or to pursue separation or divorce, this might be contributing to your overall unhappiness and it could be a good time to speak with an experienced divorce lawyer about your next steps. recently released a study that ranked all states across the country in terms of their happiness. Although New Jersey did come in 13th, certain categories caused New Jersey to have a lower ranking. For example, for work environments, New Jersey residents rated this poorly and came in ranking 44th, and ranked 38th for community and environment. Although they ranked third for the divorce rate, the long-term unemployment rate was the second worst for the state of New Jersey.
Contemplating your options after making the decision to get a divorce can be difficult. Particularly, if there are children involved or complex assets that could require advanced division strategies in court. A knowledgeable New Jersey divorce attorney needs to be contacted as soon as possible after you have made the decision to get divorced or after you have been served papers by your spouse so that you can walk through all of the options and have your questions answered appropriately.